I used to say that I didn’t support negative campaigning, but this year, I will make an exception. Please, don’t vote Tory (yes, even if you are a Brexiteer).
Boris Johnson is a liar. Not in the usual politician way, but in the way that he lied to the Queen and has and will lie to you. Deliberately.
The whole Conservative campaign has been centred around this idea of “let’s get it done”. Effectively, Boris Johnson’s whole argument as to why we should vote for him is that we have been dealing with the aftermath of the Brexit referendum for three-and-a-half years, and that people are fed up now. He thinks we should vote for him because we are bored. That has never been a good reason to do anything, ever. He struggles to find other arguments because his deal is an outright disaster. What’s more, he can’t even promise that he will “get Brexit done” by next year, because of a small thing called trade. Michel Barnier was revealed yesterday to have said that getting Brexit done by 2021 is simply not feasible. Boris Johnson’s big campaign promise is itself a lie.
As for his infamous "Brexit, Actually" campaign ad, well, I'll let Hugh Grant do the talking.
Boris Johnson shows absolutely no respect for Parliament, the heart of our democracy. He pits the people against Parliament, claiming that Parliament keeps blocking the “will of the people”, when in reality it is blocking bad deals for the United Kingdom. MPs aren't delegates, they are representatives. Boris Johnson unlawfully prorogued the keystone of British democracy (I guess he took it to heart that the word "Tory" literally means "outlaw"?).
Yes, Boris Johnson broke the law. How can we possibly let this man stay in power?