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Showing posts from March, 2019
Who was this statement even aimed at? Theresa May addresses the public but her words are entirely political - she is unable to put her agenda on hold to speak candidly for even one minute. Now would be the time to be honest with us; instead she infiltrates her speech with more pro-Brexit propaganda. She says that she won't delay Brexit past June, because we have already waited three years to leave the EU. First of all, who is 'we'? It certainly doesn't include me. But then again, this is typical of the UK's 'representative' democracy. My fate was decided in 2016 by a fraction who voted Leave. Then it was sealed in 2017 by an electorate that voted Tory. Now, when I am finally of voting age, that question doesn't come back to me, because our dear PM would rather leave it in the hands of 27 European Heads of State (which, by the way, she would not have had to do if she hadn't spent the last 3 months running down the clock asking Parliament ...